Bogdana Milic

Bogdana Milić

I am a Serbian archaeologist, working on questions relating to the emergence and development of the Neolithic in SW Asia with a focus on Anatolia. I specialized in lithic technology, and am analyzing material from early and later prehistory from the Zagros region to southeast Europe, being based in Turkey, Germany and Austria. With my last postdoc position in Vienna, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, I worked on the spread of farming in the Balkans and was additionally involved in project management. I will be in Istanbul, Turkey, investigating connections and boundaries amongst first farmers of western Anatolia.

I am responsible for social media and public communication within the ECA Community. With the ECA Facebook group (in coordination with our Twitter account) we aim to keep you updated with the Community activities and latest news and form an open platform to regularly discuss issues that affect early career archaeologists.

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