
Working in commercial archaeology or the heritage sector? Another specialist field? Then we would like to hear from you

Come and be involved in our mentoring programme! We are looking for volunteers!

Why choose archaeology?

Our new “Spotlight on ECAs” section showcases research conducted by early career archaeologists and gives some insight into their background and aspirations

See what your colleagues say about pursuing a career in archaeology

Early Career Archaeologists (ECA) is a Community of the European Association of Archaeologists

Latest news

Survey of ECAs outside academic archaeology – now open!

We welcome responses from archaeologists who do not work in traditional academic settings in archaeology, which might include, but are not limited to: commercial, contract, consulting, heritage, museums, and other specialist fields including post-excavation and associated laboratory or desk work as well as those who formerly worked in these settings but have left archaeology: Take…

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ECA is a grassroots initiative of the European Association of Archaeologists, designed to listen to, and communicate the issues that particularly affect early career archaeologists

Who We Are
Meet the Team